Monday, April 16, 2012


I need to start this blog by saying that I do not hate cars. Honestly. There are so many instances in which they make sense.

So that brings me to my walk into work today from the metro. Walking in, I passed a line of traffic that included a Prius. The license plate was "xx MPG." I have protected the exact number here. Now, I get it. The Prius is better than most cars when it comes to gas mileage and is certainly a better alternative. But that doesn't make it good for the environment. It's like when people (girls) buy stuff on sale and say how much they saved. No, you didn't save money, you spent it. You just spent less than you might have otherwise. Well the self-absorbed Prius driver is the same way. You're not saving the environment, you're just hurting it a little less. Want to save it? Live in a walkable area instead of your huge house and yard in the burbs. Or take mass transit. Or just drive like you do, but don't put a poster on your car acting like you're doing us all a huge favor. This stuff needs to end.

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